Gründer-Campus Saar mit neuer Website!

Die Angebote der Kontaktstelle für Wissens- und Technologietransfer im Bereich "Gründen" haben eine neue Heimat gefunden. Auf sind fortan alle Informationen rund um den Aufbau eines eigenen Start-ups anzutreffen. Auch Veranstaltungsangebote werden künftig dort bereitgestellt. Das Angebot auf bleibt verfügbar, bis Veranstaltungsagentur und Co. ebenfalls auf eine neue Webpräsenz gezogen sind. Aktualisierungen folgen hier allerdings nur noch in Ausnahmefällen.

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Technology transfer

Technology transfer

"Kontaktstelle für Wissens- und Technologietransfer der Universität des Saarlandes/KWT" (Office for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of Saarland University) provides channels for successful collaboration at the interface between science and industry. It provides companies with information regarding the various opportunities for cooperation with the university.

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Patents and licenses

Patents and licences

The Saarland Universities Patent Marketing Agency (PVA) is responsible for the proprietary protection and marketing of economically relevant research findings on behalf of Saarland University, Saarland University of Applied Sciences, the Centre for Mechatronics and Automation Technology (ZeMA) and PharmBioTec GmbH.

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Business start-up

Business start-up

Saarland University students, graduates and academics are specifically prepared to establish a business and are provided with support as start-up entrepreneurs during the foundation, consolidation and production phases. Business start-up seminars, workshop series and targeted coaching on campus help to professionally prepare a start-up and ensure its future success. Saarland University is now aiming to explicitly position itself as an ‘Entrepreneurial University’.

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Congresses and conferences

Congresses and conferences

"Kontaktstelle für Wissens- und Technologietransfer der Universität des Saarlandes/KWT" (Office for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of Saarland University) helps academics and external project partners to plan and organise scientific congresses. The professional services offered by the KWT include providing infrastructure, budgeting, and organising supporting programmes. These services may be commissioned individually or as a complete package.

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Die Gründer-Galerie der KWT spiegelt die große Bandbreite der an saarländischen Hochschulen realisierten Start-ups wider.

Okinlab GmbH

„Möbel sollen sich an uns anpassen, nicht umgekehrt“

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